Summary:(from goodreads) An ill-fated Caribbean cruise and four teenagers: a nerd, a jock, a mouse, and a beauty queen…an island, a treehouse, some nefarious interlopers…life and death…fear and loathing…love and laughter. Follow Jonathan, Kevin, Candi and Sarah as they find their typical high school lives and their worlds totally WRECKED.
Review: This was just an ok book for me. The plot was pretty typical and I found myself a little bit bored at times. The characters also seemed pretty typical but they did change over the course of the book. My favorite characters were probably Jonathan and Sarah. They were both really interesting and Jonathan's facts were entertaining. I loved how much Sarah developed over the course of the book. She started out as a pretty typical character but I actually really liked where things ended for her. Candi and Kevin were just a little bit annoying. Especially Kevin, he was probably the one who changed the least. I liked Candi but she wasted to much time worrying about getting in with the cool crowd that it got annoying after a while. The things that happened on the island towards the end were a little bit ridiculous. I guess it sort of needed to happen but I felt like it could have been a little bit more developed. I was interested to see that there is a sequel to this book and based on the way this book ended I will be interested to see where it leads. Overall, this was a fun book and I will be reading the sequel eventually.